08 January 2006
visita a londres visit to london
tardor a londres
london's autumn
un cotxe
a car
la instalació al hall de la tate. la veritat és que no se de què anava.
installation at tate's turbine hall. i don't know what it was about, to be honest, but it looked cool.
llibres d'actar a la llibreria de la tate.
actar books at tate's library.
...i més llibres
...and more books
la tina al lloc on desembarquen els barcos que van de la tate modern a la tate britain. aquest era el primer cop que navegava el tàmesis.
tina at the pier where the boats that go from tate modern to tate britain stop. that was the first time i got on a boat in the river.
com de costum, l'edu fent tonteries. aquí, rumiant què fer amb aquests cartells. al final en va arrencar uns deu i s'els va endur. probablement ara mateix estan acumulant pols a la seva habitació.
eduard doing silly things, as usual. in the photo, he can be seen thinking what he could do with these posters. eventually, he took them away. the porpouse was, and still is, unknown. oh well... that's why we like him, i guess.
el mític, més que mític, mitiquíssim plastic people, escenari d'algunes de les millors festes londinenques. a la foto, tancat.
the famous plastic people, which once was the place to go out in london. witness of some of the best parties in the city. last time i was there it wasn't as good as it used to be, though.
però això si que és mític. les famoses chicken burgers d'old street. exelents sempre i quan s'hagi begut un nombre considerable de pintes de cervesa previament.
now, that's a myth. the famous chicken burger from old street. delicious, exellent high cousine, as long as you have previously drunk a considearble amount of beer.
aquestes són algunes fotos de la visita que vaig fer a londres el passat desembre. no hi surten, però hi haurien de sortir, l'aïda i en chris i la sabina.
these are some of the photos i took during my brief visit to london last december. aïda, chris and sabina should also appear in a couple of them, but i just can't be taking pictures all the time...
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1 comment:
Hey, love the London pics with trees and the green car. Very good!
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