08 January 2006


l'anna i jo sempre podrem dir que vam inaugurar l'innisfree, el nou pub, que és just allà on hi havia hagut l'absolut. la decoració és molt maca i tenen algunes cerveses bones, però res a veure encara amb el que havia estat l'absolut.
la cervesa era gratis aquell dia, i unes noies feien fotos amb màquines polaroid.
that's anna and me, having the first drinks at innisfree, a new pub in mataró (it really is a pub, an irish pub. well, at least it looks like a pub. the only problem is that a pub must look old, and this one is new.) it is where the absolut once stood. absolut was a really good, an exellent, beer place.
beer was for free that day, and a girl with a very short skirt took this picture of us with a polaroid machine. it looks cool, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Great work!
http://fdzhwcck.com/iqpq/hqvg.html | http://rtjjsqtp.com/ywmw/tbqr.html